PRACTICE ROUND INFO: Players must be registered to get the practice round rate! Players may call the golf shop at (623) 876-3015.
Rates will be TBA
Rounds available TBA
Range balls are not included
Carts included
2 days advance booking
GENERAL: USGA rules will govern all play. Local rules may apply to certain situations on the course. The one ball rule will be in effect for all events.
EVENT ENTRIES: All entry fees must be paid by the published deadline through the site. The player or sponsor has sole responsibility for ensuring the entry fee is paid by the deadline. Professionals and amateur entry fees will be $495 when paid by the deadline online through PayPal. Late entries will be assessed a late fee of $30.
REFUNDS: Refunds will be dealt with on a case by case basis by the Committee depending upon the circumstances. There will be no refunds if a player withdraws during play or does not show (DNS). The amount of a refund, if any, is solely at the discretion of the AWO Committee.
WITHDRAWAL POLICY: If a player withdraws after committing and/or registering:
~ prior to the professional entry deadline no fees will be assessed
~ a $25 administration fee will be assessed if it is before the Friday prior to the event
~ a $75 administration fee will be assessed if it is after tee times are posted
~ a $100 + Round 1 greens fee will be assessed if it is on the Sunday prior to the event
If the player no-shows or withdraws the day of the event, that player forfeits their entire entry fee.
A verbal commitment to compete in an event is NO LONGER the same as registering for the event.
PRIZE MONEY DISTRIBUTION: The AWO will pay the top 33% of the Professional field and ties after the completion of the event. Checks will be available on-site following play. Amateur players will compete for a separate purse which will award gift certificates as determined by the Committee.
PLAYOFFS AND TIES: A sudden death playoff for first place only will follow completion of play beginning on a hole chosen by the Committee and host professional. All other ties will remain as ties and the purse for those positions will be divided equally.
CONDUCT: The AWO maintains a strict policy on any behavior unbecoming a professional golfer. This includes but is not limited to vulgar language, club throwing, damage to the golf course or course property. The player will be responsible for the cost of any damage to the course or its equipment. If the player cannot be identified then all purses will be reduced by the pro-rated cost of the damage.
1st offense: A warning
2nd offense: 2 strokes
3rd offense: Disqualification and a Committee review for reinstatement
PLAYER ATTIRE: Players shall present a neat appearance in both clothing and personal grooming. No denim or tank tops. Sleeveless tops must have a collar and tops with sleeves can be collarless. This pertains to practice rounds, tournament rounds and while using the practice area. If a player is asked to change an article of clothing, do not argue, just do it. Be advised that the dress code at private clubs may be substantially different then that of the AWO’s. We will make every effort to advise players of such well in advance. The AWO will respect the club’s dress code. Soft spikes or spike-less shoes only.
SCORING AREA: After completion of the round, the players are to bring their cards to the designated scoring area, settle all doubts with the Committee, sign them, and turn them into the person in the scoring area. ONCE THE PLAYER HAS TURNED IN THEIR CARD AND LEFT THE BOUNDARY OF THE SCORING AREA, THE SCORECARD IS CONSIDERED OFFICIAL.
STARTING TIMES, OFFICIAL TIME AND LATE TO THE TEE: Starting times will be posted in the pro shop, at the scoreboard and website. Official time will be on the starting tee clocks. There may be clocks on the range and the putting green but they are not official. An inaccurate time on any other clock, IS NOT AN EXCUSE FOR BEING LATE TO THE TEE. The responsibility of being ready to play at the appointed time lies solely with the individual player. Try to be at the tee 5 to 10 minutes early. A player must be present and ready to play (present on the teeing ground with a club and ball) when the first player of the group is instructed to play. The order of play is not relevant. The AWO allows the player to be 5 minutes late with a 2 stroke penalty and after 5 minutes, the player will be disqualified (with no refund). Rule 5-3(a). All rounds incorporate Exceptions 1, 2 and 3 under the same Rule.
DOUBT AS TO PROCEDURE: If there is any disagreement in any group concerning a particular ruling during play, and a Tour Official is not available, the player with the doubt will enter a second ball into play per Rule 20.1(3). The player MUST advise the scoring table that Rule 20.1(3) was invoked or they are disqualified.
PACE OF PLAY: “The player shall play without undue delay and in accordance with any pace of play guidelines which may be laid down by the Committee,” and thereafter prescribes penalties for slow play. In order to prevent any such penalty we suggest that you review carefully the following guidelines. The AWO Committee consists of the event Director and the host course PGA professional.
Definition of “Out of Position:” The first group to start will be considered out of position if, at any time during the round, the group is behind the prescribed schedule. Any following group will be considered out of position if it (a) is taking more than the allotted time to play and (b) reaches the tee of a par-3 hole and the preceding group has cleared the next tee; reaches the tee of a par-4 hole and the putting green is clear; or reaches the tee of a par-5 hole when the preceding group is on the putting green. Both (a) and (b) must apply for a group to be out of position.
Group Out of Position: If a group is out of position, an AWO Rules Official will advise them they are being monitored & are subject to penalty.
Timing: If a group is out of position, it may be monitored or timed for failure to comply with this pace of play guideline. When a group is out of position each player in the group is expected to play any stroke within 40 seconds after timing of the player’s stroke begins. Other than on the putting green, timing of a player’s stroke will begin when she has had reasonable opportunity to reach her ball, it is her turn to play and she can play without interference or distraction. Time spent determining yardage will count as part of the time taken for the next stroke. On the putting green, timing will begin after a player has been allowed a reasonable amount of time to lift, clean and replace her ball, repair her ball mark and other ball marks on her line of putt and remove loose impediments from her line of putt. Time spent looking at the line from beyond the hole and/or behind the ball will count as part of the time taken for the next stroke.
A player is permitted 40 seconds to play a stroke. An extra 10 seconds (for a total of 50 seconds) will be allowed for:
(a) the first player to play a stroke on a par-3 hole
(b) the first player to play a second stroke on a par-4 or par-5 hole
(c) the first player to play a third stroke on a par-5 hole
(d) the first player to play a stroke around the putting green
(e) the first player to play a stroke on the putting green
The Committee reserves the right at any time to time a group when the Committee deems it necessary. Players should also be aware that the Committee may assess a “bad time” to a player in a group which is out of position if the player makes no effort to help her group get back in position. An example of this would be a player who unduly delays play between shots.
Any group with a player (s) who has a “bad time” will be notified if the group requires additional monitoring and timing during the round.
Rulings or Other Incidents: If a ruling or some other legitimate delay occurs which causes the group in question to lose its position, that group is expected to regain its position within a reasonable time.
Appeals: Any appeal of a pace of play penalty must be referred to the Committee immediately upon completion of the player in question’s round. The Committee’s decision shall be final.
TRANSPORTATION: Only players and caddies will be allowed to ride in carts. Spectators must walk or rent carts from the pro shop if available. “Caddies” must perform caddie duties or they are a spectator.
SUSPENSION OF PLAY DUE TO DANGEROUS SITUATION: A player may discontinue play if she believes there is danger from lightning however inclement weather is not of itself a reason to discontinue play unless the course becomes unplayable. This decision can only be determined by the course. If the players are between the play of two holes or in the process of playing a hole they shall discontinue play immediately and shall not thereafter resume play until the Committee has ordered a resumption of play. Penalty for breach of rule is disqualification. All practice areas shall be closed during suspension for a dangerous situation until the Committee has declared them open for use.
* Suspend play – Several short intermittent blasts from horn or siren.
* Resume play – Two intermittent blasts from a horn or siren.
* Suspension due to immediate danger (lightning, tornado etc.) – One continuous blast from a horn or siren. Play must be discontinued immediately.
DISTANCE MEASURING DEVICES: Electronic devices may be used during this event for the measuring of distances only. if a distance-measuring device has additional functionality that can gauge or measure other conditions that might affect a player’s play (e.g., elevation change, wind speed, etc.), the use of any such additional function would be a breach of Rule 4.3(a)1 and 2..
Penalty for use of an additional function on a distance measuring device is two strokes on the first occurrence and disqualification for any subsequent use after notification. The Committee reserves the right to inspect, at any time or place, a player’s distance measuring device for compliance.
USE OF A CELLPHONE & ELECTRONIC DEVICES: The use of a cellphone on the golf course during play is prohibited except in cases of a medical emergency or to contact a Rules official. 1st offense is a warning, 2nd offense is 2 strokes, 3rd offense is disqualification. Other electronic devices such as I-pods, MP3 players, cassette recorders, Blackberries, Gameboy or anything else that falls into this category are prohibited during the stipulated round.
MISCELLANEOUS: AWO tournament policies and procedures are subject to revision at any time without notice.